


工学博士, 副教授






单位:西安交通大学   化学工程与技术学院






2. 环境与安全卫生工程系,台湾云林科技大学,工学硕士09/2010–06/2012







先后主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,中央高校基本科研业务费、中国博士后基金面上项目。发表在 AIChE Journal(化工领域国际顶级期刊;2篇)、Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research(化工领域三大权威期刊之一;2篇)、Applied Thermal EngineeringInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy SCI 期刊发表学术论文 30 篇(第一作者/通讯作者17篇),H-Index 11

担任 Fuel、Fuel Processing TechnologyPowder TechnologyJournal of Thermal Analysis and CalorimetryJournal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries SCI 期刊的特邀审稿人。担任陕西省消防标准化委员会委员、陕西省消防协会消防技术专家库专家、陕西省消防总队消防技术专家库专家,多次到化工厂为企业员工进行化工安全培训。工作以来已培养3名本科生毕业设计和3名硕士研究生,主讲本科生“化工安全”及研究生“化工安全与风险防控” 课程,具有丰富的理论和实践经验。




2.中国博士后科学基金第62 批面上资助,碳纳米材料粉尘储氢工艺爆炸危险性及抑爆机制研究,2017M623181,二等资助,5万元,2017/12–2019/12,在研,主持;
4.中央高校基本科研业务费,纳米富勒烯/氢气/空气混合物多相多元燃爆特性研究,xzy012019034,12 万元,2019/01–2021/12,在研,主持。





  1. Yi Yang, Lin Ding, Lin Xu, Yun-Ting Tsai (Corresponding Author), 2021, Effect of metal chloride on thermal decomposition of nitrocellulose, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, Vol. 28, pp. 101667.
  2. Yun-Ting Tsai, Tao Fu, Qaing Zhou, 2021, Explosion characteristics and suppression of Mg/HMixtures, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 46, pp. 38934–38943.
  3. Ren-Ke Wei, Yun-Ting Tsai (Corresponding Author), 2021, Thermal hazard characteristics of unsaturated polyester resin mixed with hardeners, Polymers, Vol. 13, pp. 522.
  4. Yun-Ting Tsai (Corresponding Author), Guan-Ting Huang, Jue-Quan Zhao, Chi-Min Shu, 2021, Dust cloud explosion characteristics and mechanisms in MgH2-based hydrogen storage materials, AIChE Journal, Vol. 67, pp. e17302.
  5. Yun-Ting Tsai (Corresponding Author), Yi Yang, Hao-Chun Huang, Chi-Min Shu, 2020, Inhibitory Effects of Three Chemical Dust Suppressants on Nitrocellulose Dust Cloud Explosion, AIChE Journal, Vol. 66, pp. e16888. (Top cited article in AIChE Journal between 2020–2021)
  6. Yun-Ting Tsai, Jian-Yao Liao, Chi-Min Shu, 2018, Explosion characteristics of chlorodifluoromethane and isobutane at high temperature and pressure using a 20-L apparatus, International Journal of Refrigeration, Vol. 96, pp. 155–160.
  7. Yun-Ting Tsai (Corresponding Author), An-Chi Huang, Sing-Cheng Ho, and Chi-Min Shu, 2018, Potential explosion hazard of polyester resin dust formed from a granulation process: Limiting oxygen concentration with different pressures, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 135, pp. 74–82.
  8. Yun-Ting Tsai, Yi Yang, Caiping Wang, Chi-Min Shu, and Jun Deng, 2018, Comparison of the inhibition mechanisms of five types of inhibitors on spontaneous coal combustion, International Journal of Energy Research, Vol. 42, pp. 1158–1171.
  9. Yun-Ting Tsai, Mei-Li You, Xin-Ming Qian, and Chi-Min Shu, 2013, Calorimetric techniques combined with various thermokinetic models to evaluate incompatible hazard of tert-butyl peroxy-2-ethyl hexanoate mixed with metal ions, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 52, pp. 82068215.
  10. Yun-Ting Tsai, Chen-Rui Cao, Wei-Ting Chen, Wei-Lung Chou, and Mei-Li You, 2015, Using calorimetric approaches and thermal analysis technology to evaluate critical runaway parameters of azobisisobutyronitrile, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 122, pp. 11511157.
  11. Yun-Ting Tsai, Sheng-Yi Lin, Jing-Wei Tong, Wei-Chun Chen, Wei-Ting Chen, and Chi-Min Shu, 2015, Incompatible hazard investigation of a cycloaliphatic epoxy resin using green analytical method, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 122, pp. 11351141.
  12. Ke-Wei Ren, Yun-Ting Tsai (Corresponding Author), 2021, Thermal hazard characteristics of unsaturated polyester resin mixed with hardeners, Polymers, Vol. 13, pp. 1–8.
  13. Bin Laiwang, Yun-Ting Tsai (Corresponding Author), Shang-Hao Liu, Jung Deng, Yang Xiao, Qiu-Hong Wang, Chi-Min Shu, 2019, Effects of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium nitrate on the thermal hazardous properties of lignitous and long flame coal through a green approach and thermokinetic models, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Vol. 131, pp. 127–134.
  14. Yi Yang, Yun-Ting Tsai (Corresponding Author), Yanni Zhang, Chi-Min Shu, and Jun Deng, 2018, Inhibition of spontaneous combustion for different metamorphic degrees of coal by Zn/Mg/Al-CO3-layered double hydroxide, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Vol. 113, pp. 401–412.(SCI)
  15. Yi Yang and Yun-Ting Tsai (Corresponding Author), 2018, Inhibition ability of ionic liquid [Bmim][NO3], [Bmim][BF4], and [Emim][BF4] on coal spontaneous combustion, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 132, pp. 1943–1951.
  16. Yi Yang and Yun-Ting Tsai (Corresponding Author), 2017, Evaluation on the Photosensitivity of 2,2′-Azobis(2,4-Dimethyl)Valeronitrile with UV, Molecules, Vol. 22, pp. 2219.
  17. Yi Yang, Hua Zhu, Yun-Ting Tsai (Corresponding Author), Lei Bai, Jun Deng, 2016, Study on the thermal stability of thermosensitive hydrogel, Procedia Engineering, Vol. 135.




  1. Tao Fu, Yun-Ting Tsai, Qiang Zhou, 2021, Numerical Simulation of Magnesium Dust Dispersion and Explosion in 20 L Apparatus via an Euler–Lagrange Method, Energies, Vol. 15, pp. 402.
  2. Yi Yang and Yun-Ting Tsai, 2018, Evaluation on thermal stability and kinetics of 2, 2′-azobis(2, 4-dimethyl)valeronitrile in aerobic and anaerobic conditions under isothermal process, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 132, pp. 1961–1968.
  3. Bin Laiwang, Shang-Hao Liu, Yun-Ting Tsai, Jun Deng, Hui-Chun Jiang, Bei Li, Chi-Min Shu, 2018, Effects of UV for cycloaliphatic epoxy resin via thermokinetic models, novel calorimetric technology, and thermogravimetric analysis, Scientific Reports, Vol. 8, pp. 15835.
  4. Mitali Das, Shang-Hao Liu, Yun-Ting Tsai, Wei-Cheng Lin, Chi-Min Shu, 2017, Assessment of thermal explosion for an industrial recovery reactor by GC/MS product analysis combined with calorimetric techniques, Thermochimica Acta, Vol. 656, pp. 90100.
  5. Caiping Wang, Yi Yang, Yun-Ting Tsai, Jun Deng, Chi-Min Shu, 2016, Spontaneous combustion in six types of coal by using the simultaneous thermal analysis-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy technique, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 126, pp. 15911602.
  6. Sheng-Yi Lin, Chi-Min Shu, Yun-Ting Tsai, Wei-Chun Chen, and Kuang-Hua Hsueh, 2015, Thermal decomposition on Aceox® BTBPC mixed with hydrochloric acid, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 122, pp. 11771189.
  7. Wei-Ting Chen, Wei-Chun Chen, Mei-Li You, Yun-Ting Tsai, and Chi-Min Shu, 2015, Evaluation of thermal decomposition phenomenon for 1,1-bis(tert-butylperoxy)-3,3,5-trimethylcyclohexane by DSC and VSP2, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 122, pp. 11251133.
  8. Jing-Wei Tong, Wei-Chun Chen, Yun-Ting Tsai, Yan Cao, Jiann-Rong Chen, and Chi-Min Shu, 2014, Incompatible reaction for (3-4-epoxycyclohexane) methyl-3’-4’-epoxycyclohexyl-carboxylate (EEC) by calorimetric technology and theoretical kinetic model, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 116, pp. 14451452.
  9. Mei-Li You, Sheng-Yi Weng, Min-Siou Liao, Can-Yong Jhu, Yun-Ting Tsai, Quentin Lineberry, and Chi-Min Shu, 2014, Study on thermal hazards for isoprene monomer (IPM) mixed with aluminum oxide, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 116, pp. 14531459.
  10. Yi-Hong Chang, Yun-Ting Tsai, Yong-Da Pu, Wei-Ping Pan, Chi-Min Shu, 2014, Evaluation of incompatible hazard for TBPO mixed with inorganic acid or base by thermal analysis technology, Disaster Advances, Vol. 7, pp. 3539.
  11. Ang-Cian Li, Yun-Ting Tsai, Sheng-Hung Wu, Chen-Wei Chiu, Sun-Ju Shen, Ron-Hsin Chang, and Chi-Min Shu, 2013, Thermal runaway analyses for two organic peroxides with H2O and dry fire-extinguishing chemicals by DSC and VSP2, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 113, pp. 1611–1618.
  12. Kuo-Yi Li, Shu-Yao Tsai, Chun-Ping Lin, Yun-Ting Tsai, and Chi-Min Shu, 2013, Smart Technology for Evaluating Fire Extinguishing Effect of tert-butyl hydroperoxide, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 52, pp. 1096910976.
  13. Lung-Chang Tsai, Yun-Ting Tsai, Chun-Ping Lin, Shang-Hao Liu, Tsung-Chih Wu, and Chi-Min Shu, 2012, Isothermal versus non-isothermal calorimetric technique to evaluate thermokinetic parameters and thermal hazard of tert-butyl peroxy-2-ethyl hexanoate, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, Vol. 109, pp. 1291–1296.